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16 septembrie 2010

Vespa 360

Trabant Trek ni s-a parut o plimbarica curajoasa, (si inca ni se pare) care a fost insa dusa la un nou nivel: inconjurul lumii pe un Vespa. A trecut si prin Romania si ne-a facut placere sa-i citim jurnalul de drum, ceea ce va sugeram si voua.

On To Romania
Driving through the Hungarian countryside, you could be fooled into thinking a neutron bomb had gone off; you simply don’t see anybody. Where they got to, I have no idea. In Romania, everybody’s going about their business outdoors, sometimes in the middle of the road. Adults, children, cows, geese, wildly swerving rusted-out Dacias, it’s all a big obstacle course that takes some nerve to negotiate your way through.

Deeper Into The T-Van

A Harrowing Drive to Bucharest
there was a great deal of bird-flipping on my part and fist-shaking and screaming on his. After that episode, I calmed down and resolved to put my middle finger away for the rest of the trip.

..watched as the two drivers, who were unhurt, take turns screaming at each other. In typical Eastern European fashion, it didn’t come to blows

Stray Observations: Bucharest

A Week on the Black Sea Coast
Fact is, Romania has a dodgy, conspicuously-consuming overclass just like every other Eastern European country, and in the summertime, they all congregate in the clubs and discos of Mamaia. It’s not really my bag, this stuff, but it is very impressive. It’s all Bentleys and Aston-Martins and Lamborghinis parked out front, and bottle service and Grey Goose and cheesy club music and leggy supermodels and the rest inside.

Adventures in Romanian Retail
Me: Good day. Do you speak English?

Information Desk Guy: Enhhhhhh…. Yes. Little bit.
Me: Great. I’m looking for some duct tape, and some thick, stiff wire. Like, for tying things together.
Information Desk Guy: You want… hotel?
Me: No, no. No hotel. I need duct tape. Do you know duct tape? It’s… silver. Tape. Tape. And sticky.

He then raised an eyebrow, leaned in conspiratorially, and lowered his voice.

Information Desk Guy: You want… girl?
Me: Girl? What the– Jesus. No. I need duct tape, and wire. You know, wire? Wire. And nuts and bolts.
Information Desk Guy: You want… hotel?

moto La
Garana din ce in ce mai mare - Program final
16 mai 2018
Garana din ce in ce mai mare - Program final

A 22-a editie a super-festivalului de jazz din inima & ficatul Semenicului propune 24 de concerte pe 3 scenpe larg

Daca e Gopo, e prono
26 martie 2018
Daca e Gopo, e prono

Pronosticurile redactiei ddd pentru a 12-a editie a Galei cinematografiei romanestipe larg

Fondul Jazz in the Park: call for projects (30.000 EUR)
02 martie 2018
Fondul Jazz in the Park: call for projects (30.000 EUR)

Fondul Jazz in the Park, mecanismul prin care participantii sustin arta si se implica in larg

Trasee noi in Colinele Transilvaniei
14 ianuarie 2018
Trasee noi in Colinele Transilvaniei

Reteaua a fost dezvoltata cu inca 350 de km, pe sectiunea de sud a destinatiei, zona Rupea - Sibiu - Mediaspe larg

Ce-a fost bine in 2017: primul an fara accidente aeronautice mortale
02 ianuarie 2018
Ce-a fost bine in 2017: primul an fara accidente aeronautice mortale

*zboruri comerciale (cu reactie) de pasageri pe larg

Evenimente in Urmatoarele 2 saptamani
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despre noi
Cu scuzele de rigoare, e momentan în hibernare; posibil să revenim într-o formă nouă. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [Fb / Ig]